

Nomination Period will close on Friday, August 10 at 5:00 p.m.*

With just 2 days left in the Nomination Period, candidates should have their candidate statement, filing fees, and of course nomination signatures ready to submit by Friday.

Here’s what you need to return to your elections official:

  • Declaration of Candidacy (required)
  • Ballot Designation Worksheet (required)
  • Candidate Statement (permitted, not required)
  • Fee for Candidate Statement (required if you submit a Candidate Statement)
  • Form 700 – Statement of Economic Interest (required)
  • Other FPPC Committee Filing Forms (required)
  • Other forms required by your jurisdiction

Even the most seasoned candidate can make errors in their nomination…it only happens every 4 years.

Here are some things to avoid:

  • Invalid signatures on the Nomination Form.  Just take the time to go to the County Clerk’s Office and use their computers to verify registration.  REMEMBER…a person can only sign the same number of Nomination Forms as offices up for election (3 council seats = maximum of 3 nomination forms with the same person signing)  You can get more signatures than needed.
  • Errors on the Affidavit.  Some people put the wrong dates (must be within time you circulated the petition) or forget to sign.
  • Too Many Words.  Candidate Statements can be tough.  Use the guidelines provided (see this link) and count several times…once you turn it in there’s no going back…spell check!
  • Ballot Designations.  Be able to justify your designation with documentation if needed.  Usually, “Incumbent” is a bad idea.


*Note: Always check with your local City Clerk or other elections official for valid office hours…some Clerks will close when City Hall closes or may remain open just for filings.

Aug 08, 2012
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Welcome to Vantage Campaigns!

Welcome to Vantage Campaigns™

Vantage Campaigns™ is launching it’s new look and design with our new web site, logo, and blog.

Why the name “Vantage Campaigns:”

Vantage is defined as superiority in a contest or a position giving a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view. Vantage Campaigns was founded on providing strategic services to campaigns, giving them a cost effective winning advantage over their competition.

What’s different about our web site:

Most campaign service providers’ web sites merely list services. While Vantage Campaigns does list products and services, we went a step further by providing an on-line “campaign handbook,” explaining how our products and services fit within the structure of a traditional campaign. Our goal is to provide you with value, even in a web site experience.

What our logo signifies:Vantage Campaings, Inc. LOGO

Our logo pays homage to Americana and features two dynamic arcs in blue symbolizing energy, velocity, and momentum encircling a graphically depicted “V” in red, forming a laser-focused vertex. The larger, dark blue arc includes intensifying or emergent stars symbolic of starting small but finishing big.

Our Blog:

To further provide added value, we will contribute insight into current events and their lessons about campaigning, as well as give you ideas and lessons that will help you win.

We hope you find value here and will refer others. Let us know how we’re doing.

Just like the adage, “vote early–vote often,” please come back to Vantage Campaigns often and come back early—before your campaign begins.



Feb 19, 2012
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