Vantage Campaigns™ has created VantageU™ a candidate development and training division to provide practical and distinctive courses for local candidates and elected officials. Our courses are an affordable way to receive the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to launch your local campaign.
All courses are led by political and campaign professionals, former candidates, and former/current elected officials with decades of applied experience.
Our curriculum features hands-on work, open discussions, interactive role-playing, and coaching. Enrollment is limited in size in order to maximize each participants interaction with the coaches.
Courses Offerings:
Local Candidate Training, Part I: A Practical Guide for Local Candidates and Their Campaigns
A practical workshop that will guide you through the process of campaigning for local office.
Learn what to do, when to do it, and how to avoid mistakes. Get your questions answered by experts who have run hundreds of successful campaigns.
Every attendee will be given a handbook and leave with their own campaign timeline and budget.
Current Course: Saturday, August 18, 2012 (San Bernardino)
Local Candidate Training, Part II: Advanced Campaigning for Local Candidates
For those who attended Part I (prerequisite), this all-day session will delve deeper into campaigning for local office. Highlighted topics include: Message Development, Endorsement Process, Public Speaking, Local Media Strategy, Attack Strategies, and Defensive Strategies.
Every attendee will develop their unique campaign strategy.
Fundraising, Finance, and the FPPC
Money is the engine that drives campaigns. Like it or not, every successful candidate must raise money. But, raising money for local office has different challenges from the big races. Local Candidates need to develop their own strategies for fundraising that are unique to their community…all while complying with State laws.
This course is all about money, campaigning, and winning.
Debate Prep, Public Speaking, and Message Development
A focused, four session seminar to prepare local candidates for Candidate Forums and speaking before voters.
Each participant will go through a mock-Candidate Forum, practicing their skills while receiving immediate feedback and coaching. Candidates will develop their message, learn how to share it with voters, and prepare to “debate” opponents on the issues.
How to Beat An Incumbent
If you are a challenger or even an incumbent protecting your seat, this specialized workshop will discuss the unique strategies for unseating an incumbent.
I Won! Now What? –Move Your Agenda, Develop Leadership Skills, and Stay In Office
This multi-session course is just what the newly elected official needs.
You won on election day and believe you have 4 years before you run for re-election…think again! It will take you most of the 4 years to learn how to be an “elected official.”
Develop skills and techniques to accomplish what you promised in the campaign. Create a short, medium, and long-term strategy for winning re-election…including raising money, and develop a “political organization” that will ensure success.
For information on schedule, tuition or to register:
Return to this web page or call (909) 521-VOTE (8683) or email